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COIL or the Collaborative Online International Learning is a model of online learning where Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Hyderabad along with Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Noida collaborated with Amsterdam University of Applied Science to work together on a project which was also a case study on various prevalent happenings worldwide. This program is offered and applied to larger degree programs like BBA, International Business and Applied Science.

I, myself got an opportunity to be in a team consisting of students from SCMS Noida and Amsterdam University and worked on topics like education of Women in Afghanistan and its consequences, where we did a detailed study on how the education system works in the country.

This collaboration continued from 21ST of April, 2023 to 1ST of May, 2023 where the participants gained insights on not only the chosen topics but also got to use their creative side by designing a poster using graphics, pictography, quotes, colours and design.

Apart from getting collaborated formally by our universities, we, the students from three different institutions, also bonded over each other’s study culture, study patterns and subject offered and not to forget we also made friends too. All of these was only possible because of the opportunity that our institution provided us in the form of this COIL Project.

As I talk more about the performance in the project, we also get to see that, the students were provided with experienced mentors who guided us through the working on the project. On the other hand, we the students had a frame work on how to gain more knowledge over just theoretical work.

Bearing all these experiences in the mind, it seems logical that ‘virtual mobility’ or ‘virtual exchange’ activities like the COIL Project are those golden opportunities designed in a way to reproduce the profound effect of ‘exposure’ for the students like us who are engaged getting trained for the corporate world since day one.

Summarizing, as the name itself says, Collaborative Online International Learning, these four components are strict and cumulative to these four conditions and provide the students worldwide with required knowledge and potential. Lucky to be a part of both the Institution and the COIL Project.

Ruchirekha Das

BBA Batch 2023-2027


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