In her arms I find solace and peace,
She’s a guardian angel who puts me at ease
Her love is bountiful and like a river, it forever flows
She’s a ray of hope wherever she goes
Her touch is ever so gentle, a soothing balm
Who shelters me from life’s cruel storms
Her words of wisdom are like pearls on a string
She guides me through the maze of life and everything it brings
Her smile is a radiant beam of pure light
It brightens my world like stars in the darkest of nights
Her sacrifices are countless she’s always there
Through thick and thin, she shows me that she cares
Here’s to my mother who gave me birth,
Whose love and strength forever shaped my worth
No matter where life takes me, I shall always be grateful for the love she bestowed upon me…
Ms. Vaishnavi Vidiyala
BBA HONS 1st Year
Real-world examples are included in your presentation. Done great job
That is a very good description of a guardian angel
Nice Message “MY GUARDIAN ANGEL.” It beautifully captures the profound love and support that a mother provides.
This heartfelt poem beautifully honors a mother’s unwavering love, guidance, and sacrifices. Well Written…