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Where It all started (YouTube)

If I think about when i started doing videos it was around June 2020. It was the time of Covid 19 pandemic. Educational institutions were closed along with many Public spaces and there were no places to go out with family and friends .once bustling streets of my neighborhood became silent and  people were forced into their homes as the new virus was spreading and we don’t know anything about it back then .Many people didn’t had anything to do as they were sitting within the four walls of their own homes. There was a huge surge of number of people creating their own accounts on social media to pass the time and this led to a huge engagement rate and increase in user watch time hour and many were creating content to pass their time.

I passed my 10th standard and was sitting in my room waiting for my classes to resume as I joined a new college for my 11th and 12th . The lockdown was announced all of a sudden and everything went from busy to nothing . I  was sitting in my room scrolling through the updates and watching videos on youtube when my mom came up to me and said my cousin started her own  channel . I thought of doing a video and the video which I started as a trial video became a mark of my youtube journey. I started out with an introduction .That is when I discovered my passion for doing videos, I discovered a lot of things collecting video ideas, which was done by watching many videos on youtube itself but that was not enough for me so I shut down my old channel to learn and collect as much information I can and learn about content creation.

A new channel was created in the name of Miss Dreamy Amithist but it was changed later. The drive for youtube has helped me discover a lot of things I am in process of learning to this day .

I used to sit in my room and scroll through a lot of videos of different topics to discover the pattern of videos. Through this I understood that each creator has their own and unique way of showcasing their content to the audience. Some are pleasing while others were relaxing . I am to this day trying to discover my style but to do that I need to start again. Then I did a through research on how youtube works its terms and policies if you want to do some you need to know the basics to pick the pace and build yourself the same thing is being applied by me and the process continued.

Now I know some parts of how to edit a video, can create a thumbnail and because of my interest I know a lot of terms like SEO ,CTR  etc. I didn’t think there would be a lot of uses I didn’t realize that I was indirectly learning about Digital Marketing .Now I am planning to create vlogs about my college life and who knows what the future might be holding for me in this but I want to do my best in this.

6 thoughts on “Where It all started (YouTube)”

  1. YouTube started as a simple video-sharing platform and has grown into a global phenomenon, shaping content creation and digital entertainment. From viral videos to educational content, it has revolutionized the way we consume and share media.

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