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Outbound Activity at SCMS Hyderabad

Change is a constant in life. Being a part of the first batch of SCMS-H was a huge transition for me, but an even bigger change turned out to be the presence of the freshers. Being regarded as a “Senior,” is a huge responsibility, but most of all it is a change that needs to be catered to emotionally and mentally. 

This is where the outbound activity outshined its purpose. Conducted by our management under Nidhi ma’am and Kavita ma’am’s guidance, the weekend, overnight trip to Deccan Trails in Hyderabad was an experience to never forget. It tested our physical tenacity as well as our emotional availability; meeting new people is, for me, an anxious event. However, the activities conducted by ma’am’s smoothed the process.

The evening of 17th July, 2023 was filled with activities and a campfire filled with warmth akin to toasting marshmallows over fire: a slow process of students opening up, mingling with each other, but once enough exposure had been reached, the awkward silence became an uproar of happiness of novel friendships. But like every good thing, even this came to an end — only for the night.

Everyone was sent to their dorms early in the night, a mandate given because of the plans of the next day.

This next day arrived at 5 in the morning, with every student waking up slowly and rushing out to the reception area quickly, called forth by the ma’am’s.

We were divided into three teams, and thus sent to try the different adventurous feats available at the resort, such as rock climbing and zip-lining, among others. Once we had completed all of it, we were treated to delicious breakfast.

And then, the most impressive memory of my recent life began: the trek.

It was a long few hours, filled with excited chatter and exhausted groans. There was a shared sense of fear amongst us all, because for most of us this was a new experience. This made the trek all the more sweeter: after all, fresh lemons make the sweetest refreshment drinks.

There were ups and downs throughout the trek, and I mean this literally. We had to slide down two hills and climb upwards on other two hills, all of which was interspersed with walking together and bonding with each other; There is no better way to socialize than to create a core memory together.

The trek was my favorite part of the weekend. Especially because it emphasized the unity of humanity: there were no teachers, staff, seniors or juniors. We were all simply a group of people walking a path together for the very first time, and most importantly, helping each other in any way we could.

I simply cannot express my gratitude towards those who chose to volunteer to help, standing on uneven ground to help each and everyone of us to pass through as unharmed as possible.   We at Symbiosis truly are a family; Even if there exists a chasm between us, when it matters most, we are there for each other. And that is what a family does — they are there at the most crucial times in our lives, supporting us.

I would like to end by saying this: Thank you, SCMS-H, for conducting this outbound activity.

Shreya Ghosh

BBA Batch 2022-2025

1 thought on “Outbound Activity at SCMS Hyderabad”

  1. The Outbound activities are both fun and great learning experiences. In a short amount of time, students have become more mature, as I can say

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